Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sorry its been a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well life has been pretty good in the overall scheme of things this past month and a half it is crazy to think that it has been that long since I've written!!!!!!!!!!!! So sorry and if it wasn't for my mother I would've just gave up on this along time ago so you can thank her....

So lately I have been thinking a lot about my life you know the questions like, What do I want to be when I grow up? Where will I be in 5 -10 - 15 years from now? And as I get closer and closer to the end of my mission it seems that the more these questions are coming into my mind.

And so as a result of that I have been focusing on me rather then the people I have been called to serve and I have also realized that Satan can take something good and great and turn it into a distraction and get you to forget about your purpose.. Weather it is me as a servant of the Lord or the guy down the street doing the best he can to provide for his family.

This past conference we had great council from a member of the first presidency.  President Uchtdorf said that any virtue, when taken to an extreme, can become a vice. And that is so true at least for me. If all I do is think about my life ( which isn't bad to think about what I want to do etc., just need to make sure it is under control and doesn't become a vice) then I will not be able to help those around me.. Because there is somebody out there today that needs our smiling faces to help them through a trial or something.   

So my invitation to all of you is to step back and look at your lives and change something that will help you be come more like the Savior. And forget ourselves for a little bit and help those around us. I know that you will feel the spirit of the Lord in your life and and any trouble that you are going trough will be made light I promise I have seen it work!!!!  


  1. What a great post Elder Rose. Thank you for the great advice. It is so true. We need to remember what is truly important...To keep everything in perspective. In these last days before the Savior comes again Satan is doing everything he can to distract us....any way he can.... We need to be smarter than him....That is why we need to listen to the Prophet and the apostles.

  2. Thanks Elder Rose for reminding me that somebody else needs me today and that if all I think about is me or my housework or the fact that I really need a nap - I am gonna miss an opportunity to help someone in need. :) Have a fantastic day!

  3. Elder Rose, It was wonderful to read up on your blog. It was such an uplifting experience to read about the conversion you witnessed and your thoughts from conference and other experiences you are having. That is so neat that the Elders can have a blog to share the spiritual experiences they are going through.

    We think about you and keep you in our prayers. I am sorry we have been so bad about leaving comments on your blog. It's been way crazy up here, since we had our baby Sienna and bought our first house. But life is getting more "normal" so we will be checking up on our favorite Elder more often!
